May 27th, 2014 by Budd

This past Memorial weekend was the best we’ve seen in years. The weather co-operated which alone is a miracle, and the fish co-operated as well. Now wait a minute. Some  of you are now saying ” well not for me.” But there were a lot of happy customers and your turn is either soon or next. We had a lot of repeat buyers through the week-end, and the only  part of the week-end that we hated to see was the end of it. But the weather is still with us, and we hope you will be back soon. The main thing we hope you came back with was a lot of great memories, and tons of fun.

Our biggest seller and most productive baits were as always, night crawlers on a Lorie Rig. The folks loved the jumbo leeches as well, and the ” Neon Green Crawlers.” The favorite artificial baits were tubes and plugs such as the Hula Popper, and Jitter Bug.  [BIG BASS ]

Quite a few of our customers are here for an extended period of time, or for the entire summer. We wish you good luck and hope to see a lot more of you.

We are open now from 7 to 5 week days, and 7-6 Fri and Sat. Thank you all for your business, we do appreciate your patronage.

Posted in Fishing Report

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